Monday, September 13, 2010


So... Today started out as a for real MONDAY. I woke up at 7:30, turned my alarm off and fell back asleep. That caused me to be late for work and with no coffee on a day that I really wanted my coffee. Thing however took an interesting turn. I attepted to blog via text message today, yeah it didnt quite work out. When I checked it on the computer it was a bunch of random letters, numbers, and scrabble. So here is what I said...

"So this is my first blog via text message so we'll see how it goes. God has been moving a lot in my life lately. Not that he hasn't been moving, I just notice it a lot more now. God is revealing is revealing a piece of himself to me in the smallest aspects of daily routine life. Just today, and its only 2pm, God has allowed my path to cross with 2 people that I have been waiting on a chance to talk to. He has also used a friend to encourage me through text when I was feeling down. I can't thank Him enough for allowing me to see myself grow. God is revealing to me his activity in my life and it's exciting. Every chance i get to interact with people is becoming a joy now instead of more or less an obligation. This is what I have longed for for a long time now and God is answering my prayers! I guess i'll wrap it up for now because I'm rinning out of text room, but I just had to write it down and give praise to God for blessing me so much!"

Yeah... It was a 7 page text but I just felt so compelled to document my experiences. So much so that I retyped the whole thing. I have been feeling God being very intentional lately in the smallest thigs I get the feeling that he is workin on this big master plan and my life is a part of it! Which I know (the Bible tells me so), but its so different when you actually feel and experience it. Whats weird is that tonight in FiSH group, we got off on a discussion of this very subject and i didnt inniciate it! Lee was telling how God was working in his life and it was very remniscent of what He is doing in my life and in this blog. Also one of the guys that has been on my heart, Graham, is one of the people I ran into today and he joined our FiSH group tonight. He and Lee both shared their stories of how God brought them to South and how they decided this was the place for them. I cant help but, probably selfishly, feel that I was at least one of the reasons God brought them here. God has already tought me so much through them, more that they'll ever know. Some of it I really dont understand myself, nor could I put it into words. I only hope that I can have a profoundly positive impact on their lives, but thats God department isn't it.

God is so good and I long to have a visible passion for Him. It is encouraging enough for now to know that God is working and that He is growing me. I know that if God were to simply grant me my desire for wisdom and passion I would never get to experience the thrill of growing with Him. Thanks God for a nother wonderful Monday...

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