Friday, September 3, 2010

Sound Familiar?

So I love the book of Romans, and when I don't know where to read from in the Bible I usually turn to romans. It always seems to have something to tell me or remind me just when I need it. Recently I read Romans 1 and as always something i I didnt expect poped out at me. The first half of the chapter is talking about Paul and how he is about to come visit the Romans. It applauds them for their faith, saying even that it was world renowned! The second half, however, was what really struck me. I am in a class that discusses the diversities of our society and how different things effect your likelyhood of being homeless, incarcerated, etc. The second half of Romans 1 really struck me as having a fimiliarity with America today. It tells of how man turned from God and followed their own paths, and as punishment God gave them over to a sinful mind. It talks of people turning to idoletry and homosexuality, knowing Gods laws and the punishment but choosing to do these things anyway. Verses 28-32 say that the poeple didnt consider it worthwhile to remember God's laws so he gave them over to their own sinful minds and all manner of evil. It got so bad that they began to invent new ways of doing evil! Verse 32 it what struck me the most though.

Altough they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:32

That sounds like an all to familiar story to me. Today I see poeple treating "good" as relative to the individuals views on life. The concept of righteousness is not meant to be defined differently by everyone. It is meant to be Gods standard and His law. Im afaid that so many people have been fooled into thinking that as long as things "feel right" then it s ok to do, when actually it possible that God has just given them over to their own sinful mind.
I dont want to be that person. I want to make it worthwhile to retain the law of God and know my boundries in life.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philipians 4:13

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